Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Addition -- TIGGER!!!

     Okay, most of you know by now that I love animals, and in particular, cats.  Well, since I am not bringing my boys over to England, I decided to foster a cat here.  So, I got Tigger last night.  He is a 9 year old, male tabby cat (see picture to right).  He is extremely affectionate and loves to lay around all the time.  His owners could not keep him after having him for four years due to a family situation.  They rescued him from a cat shelter back then and did not want him to return to another one in his later years.  Therefore, I am giving him a home.  Of course, he is not a replacement for my boys back home in Pittsburgh, but he is a welcomed companion.

     Tigger greets me at the door, listens to me and shows me love; and in return, I love him, give him food and water, and provide him with a warm place to lay his head.  I think it is a wonderful match.  It is only the second day, but I think I will try to keep him for awhile.  However, having Tigger around does remind me of just how much I miss Orion and Taurus back home.  I wish I had pictures of them, but I packed their pictures in my boxes which are MIA.  Anyway, Tigger is a great listener -- and he is good to me (so far).

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