Saturday, March 20, 2010

YoungLives in the UK

     I must tell you about something amazing that may be happening in Reading, England later this year.  And I DO NOT apologize for my enthusiasm about this wonderful opportunity which may become a reality for the young teens of this area.  You see, back in Pittsburgh at Christ Church at Grove Farm (CCGF), I went to a meeting about a Christian volunteer service for young women who have children.  The program is called YoungLives, which brings Christian mentors to young teens who have (or are going to have) children of their own for whom to care.  The mentors are all different ages; some who have children and some who do not, but all who have a passion for young teens and their children. 
     I have already told you about the fact that Reading Borough has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the whole UK, and for that matter, the entire Eurpoean Union.  An extremely sad label for this area.  Since there are not many resources for these young teen women, I contacted some friends at CCGF who run the YoungLives program there to see if there was something I could do for these women.  They put me in contact with the Missionwide YoungLives Director out in San Diego, Jen Byard, who contacted me via email.  She informed me that they do not have any international programs; HOWEVER, they are currently in the process of looking to start one internationally.  Well, God intervened with His glorious timing on this idea!!!  I said that I would love to see this well-established program begin in the Reading area, and would help in any way I can.  Folks, I think this will actually become a reality -- God willing!!!

     Can you believe that I could begin a Christian volunteer service which helps young teen moms and their children in the Reading area?  ME???  A person who likes to be "behind-the-scenes" in my work and in my personal life?  What the heck am I thinking?  Don't I have enough things happening in my llife already?  God doesn't think so and He knows what He is doing with me.  I TRUST HIM!!!  There is just such need for a program like this in this area of England that I could not help myself to try to do something about it.  Many of us have great ideas to help and care for others; however, how many of us actually DO somehting about it?  How many of us tell another person about our ideas hoping that THEY will begin something?  Very many I suspect.  Well, I am not about to be in a position where I CAN help but not DO anything about it.  That is just not an option for me.

    Folks, I ask that you keep me in your prayers as I talk to Jen next week about beginning this program over here.  I also ask to keep the Reading Borough Council in your prayers as I tell them about the YoungLives program in the US and show them how this could impact the area teens.  This has been my excitement since Thursday afternoon.  I even contacted one of the women at CCGF who has given me the courage and wisdom to know when God is using me for His greater purpose.  She knows who she is!!!  I want to publically thank her for all the spiritual strength and courage which she had instilled in me to follow God's greater plan for me.  If it were not for her persistance, I would not be in England nor would I be in a position to help these young women. 

     Although nothing has been solidified and nothing has been promised, the simple idea of YoungLives starting in this area has brought me HOPE for the young teens in Reading.  They need something, and I pray that I can help in any way possible -- large or small.  And, if this program does not begin here, then so be it; however, I hope God chooses me to help in another way.  Friends and family, I will not give up on helping others -- ever!!!  If God asks me to perform a small task for HIm -- I WILL.  If He decides that I am to take on a large project -- THEN I WILL.  And, if God shows me where I am needed next -- THEN I WILL GO.  I am here for God and anything He asks of me, I will do.  Many people, including some family and friends, tell me that I cannot do all these things, but I will always tell them that I do these things not for me, but for God.  I will NEVER tell God "NO" anymore.  I am alive today because He wants me to be here -- and that is THE only reason I am able to blog to you today. 

I ask that you visit the web page listed below which has my favorite scripture passage.  This just about sums up me and who I am.  I hope you will all agree.

I will post this on my home blog page.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information and encouragement you sent to us. I will keep you posted. I enjoy reading the blog so much and am struck each time by the courage it has taken to do what you are doing.
the pictures, quiz and language differences are great fun. Going on the train to Philly tomorrow to see Christian. God Bless You and praying for the advent of YL in Reading.

ComfortablyNumb said...

The Lord does not give us a cross that we cannot carry.


Beginning Butterfly said...

Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I know that this journey is for all my freinds and family to experience with me. It is for you that I wirte my blogs so you can see all that your prayers are doing here in the UK for these children. I love you and thank you so much for all your comments. For it is through Christ who strengthens me.