Saturday, March 20, 2010

Time in Coventry, England

     I had the most beautiful day today!!!  But first, let me get you caught up from Monday and Tuesday.  Both days were uneventful other than getting bogged down in paperwork.  Man, there is just so much computer work in this job and it's extremely difficult to "click" my way through various documents to investigate what has already happened in the lives of my children.  I got so frustrated yesterday that I started swearing at my machine and started spouting off nasties to it.  My office partner, Rob, busted out laughing at this.  He said he loves the way I sound when I begin to "get smart" with my computer.  I guess I do sound funny.  I had to laugh as well because I was curing a machine.  Well, that's much better than swearing at another person -- I guess.  That was the last two days, but now on to today.

     I went up to Coventry, England today to visit two young teenages whom I just inheristed on my caseload.  Covenrty is north of Reading close to Nottingham and Derby -- a two-plus hours drive north.  I went there for a review meeting for two young children I have not yet met.  After their review meeting, I stayed to wait until these two children came home from school.   I was told by their former social worker that the young girl will not look me in the face and the young boy has cerebral palsey and will not enter the room because he walks with a limp.  When they came home from school, they knew that I, along with their former social worker, would be there to greet them.  Of course they were reluctant to see me, but after they came in the living room, I started talking to them and their eyes lit up.  It was THE most wonderful thing I have seen in a child who is within the childcare services.  Both children began to ask me where I was from and what it is like in the US.  The young girl looked me in the face and the young boy was just as excited that he got up and walked me over to see the new room the faster parents were building for him so he could have friends over.  He cannot walk the stairs.  I know it is because I am "different" from the other social workers they have had that they connected with me.

     Both said that they like my accent very much and want me to keep talking.  The two children were SO cute and SO innocent and I just wanted to pick them up and take them home with me.  However, they are fortunately in a very nurturing and loving home and they are truely getting their needs met.  Both said they want to stay with this foster family and the foster family wants to keep them until they are 18 years old.  The foster family will give the children an option to be adopted if they choose to do so.  This is a welcome change to my caseload of other placements which are breaking apart.  What an extremely pleasant day!!! 

     I rode up to Coventry with their former her social worker and the drive was so beautiful across the countryside again.  We talked about many things, however, talking about God and religion was the best part of the trip.  You see, this worker is a recent Christian after being a life-long member of the JahovahWitness community.  She asked me about knowing God on a personal level and asking me how I pray.  I was able to witness to this person and we formed a bond which we intend to nurture.  She mentioned that she would like to learn more about the Bible.  I'm not sure if I told you this earlier, but I was talking to one of the new overseas social workers about beginning a bible study at our office, and when I told this woman about my idea, she jumped at the chance to say that she would come.  I am just in awe on how much God has played a part in my work here in the UK.  Next week, when I get in the office, I am going to send out an email to the whole office asking if anyone would be interested in joining a bible study at work (every other Wed at lunchtime).  For some reason, I think I may get many takers on this -- which will solidify the fact that God is working through me to spread His word.  I am glorified by this fact and I find comfort in the fact that He is always with me.

     I can now see that I am not here -- in Reading, UK -- just for the children, but also for those who long to hear God's word and want to know Him better.  I was nervous about bringing up God at all, since not many people talk of God in their daily lives over here.  It's actually a bit sad, but I feel that God has brought me here to undo this fact, and bring God into their hearts and conversations.  I have absolutely no problem in talking to God or about God to others since I know Him so personally.  It is through Him that I am alive today to carry out His plan for me and ofr others. 

     You see, everyone, why my day was so wonderful?  I had two young children connect with me through the fact of being "different" from others.  Being different is where I can connect with all my children to comfort and ease their insecurities.  Then, to be a witness for a new Christian in our world has been my most joyful time in being a Christian here in Reading.  I give so much glory and thanks to God for guiding me on this journey to the UK, and into the lives and hearts of those who need to hear His Word.  I am thankful to God that He chose me to spread his word.  Me, who cursed and hated Him ten years ago, is now His messanger for others to know His glory, mercy, tenderness and undying love for all His children.  I am humbled by His willingness to use me for His glory. 

What a wonderful day indeed!!!

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