Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Day of Firsts!!!

     Beginning Sunday morning and continuing through today, I have been feeling extremely sick (headache, nausea, tired) so bear with me everyone.

     The reason for the title of this blog, "A Day of Firsts!" is due to the fact that I saw a couple of "firsts" in my lifetime and I wanted to let you know just how wonderful it was to see these things.  You  see, I had to visit another new client today for this young person's educational review and he/she lives in a small resort town on the shores of Kent called, Herne Bay.  What a very quaint little town.  This is the type of seaside town where many people visit during the summer and I can see why.  This part of the English shorline is very pretty and, since Great Britian is an island, I am sure there are many more beautiful coastlines like this one.  Well, this is just my thought, but remember, I have only been in this country for 7 weeks, so my thoughts don't hold much clout.
     My first FIRST is something a bit comical; but nonetheless, a first for me.  As my "partner in crime," Jan, was driving us to this educational review (she is the virtual head of Children in Care for Reading), I was admiring the southeast countryside of England out of my passanger-side window.  Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light . . . (no wait, that's a song.  Name that tune?).  No really; up ahead in the distance, I noticed a few black animals on a hillside.  I could not make out what type of animal these were, but as we drove closer, they looked like some little type of horses with fur.  I was having a hard time adjusting my eyes because it was raining almost the whole time and the spray from the lorries were making it hard to see.  As I stared at these creatures I tried to make out what the heck I was seeing; but to no avail.  I had to wait until we got closer.  I was going to ask Jan, but was weary of sounding "stupid" if these were common creatures to the English countryside.  I began to get nervous as I still could not figure out what these animals were and they were going to be behind me soon.  Then, it hit me we passed them at 70 mph . . . BAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!  BLACK SHEEP!!!!  As far as my feable mind can recall, I have never seen a black sheep before in my life.  And there were so many of them.  I know; sounds ridiculous, but these were the cutest sheep I have ever seen!!!

    As I turned to Jan with 'sheer' excitement, I told her that these were my first "black sheep" sighting!!!  She busted out laughing amazed that I have never seen real live 'black' sheep!!!  I started laughing as well, but only because I was so excited to see black sheep.  You see folks, it really doesn't take much to make me happy any longer.  I revel in the delight of all things new!!!  Sure, everyone reading this post who has seen black sheep before may be thinking "How lame!"  But not me, I am like a kid in a candy store when seeing such beautiful creatures for the first time.  Okay, so they may stink and have really bad attitudes, but from the window of the car, they were beautiful!!!  Jan, who is from Scotland, told me that black sheep have very soft wool and clothing made from black wool can be very expensive.  I can see why.
[And, just on a side note about these black creatures, some of you already know just how much I love my black animals -- especially my kitties!!!  I miss them so much!!!]

     Now for the second FIRST.  Jan, God love her, is my personal tour guide for England.  Since she has been driving me to various parts of Ssuthern England on educational reviews, she has been pointing out many places to me and talking about the history and current happenings at these places.  Everything from the crops grown in the area to the history of a church or the people to the current state of the economy in the region.  Jan is a wealth of knowledge and I pick her brain all the time.  Anyways, as Jan and I talked the rest of the way down to Herne Bay, the "three-hour tour" seemed to fly by me.  Just as Jan mentionad to me that we were almost to Herne Bay, she quickly pointed out the front window and exclaimed; "Look, a windmill!!!"  My first REAL old-fashioned windmill!!!  Once again -- How awesome is that!!!  Sure, I've seen the new, white-towered windmills that dot the countrysides of the US, England, and other countries.  But this, my friends, was an honset-to-goodness, Don Quixote windmill!!!  The blades were not turning, but it looked so magnificent sitting on top of this knoll/hill.  My thoughts immediately shifted to medieval times of knights, chivalry and romance.  Nice storybook thinking, I know, but that's where my mind wandered.  I'm just being honest with you folks -- embarrassing or not -- it's the truth. As Jan, once again, talked about windmills in this area, I knew that when I returned to this part of England in three weeks, I would visit the windmill to see more of its history. 

     It is just so refreshing to see new things with an open mind.  Each day God gives us on this earth is a new beginning for amazing wonders and beautiful sights for everyone to capture with their heart and soul.  Tomorrow, when you walk into the same office or workplace and mumble under your breath how everything is:  "ho-hum" or "business as usual," remember that this is a brand new day and nothing is ever the same.  These days, I am seeing the world through God-centered eyes; and that makes all things wonderful and beautiful and blessed -- even if it is removing an infant from his/her mother to protect him/her from harm.  I know that God feels sad when people hurt or are hurt, but He also brings to all of us the HOPE of a better and brighter future.  Even if that future is years away, His promise of eternal life, love and salvation for us should be enough for everyone to smile and wonder at all things!!!  Even black sheep and windmills.

     Once again, I ask each one of you to think about what wonderful and beautiful things have captured your heart and soul today.  If you cannot think of anything, then I pose a challenge to you.  Tomorrow, as you go through your day -- rain or shine; snow or sleet; warm or cold -- look at something familiar with a new pair of God-centered eyes and notice how you feel.  Are you excited?  Amazed?  Awe-struck?  If you are not, then look again.  If you are all those, then praise God for being an intimate part of your day!!!  This is Holy Week folks; a time when God and Jesus should be the center of your thoughts and prayerss.  Use this time to capture an amazing view of the world around you.  Notice the black sheep and windmills in your life -- and laugh.


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