Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reflection Sunday: Week 5

PALM SUNDAY: This is my absolute favorite time of the year -- HOLY WEEK!!!  This week of the Christian calendar is what being "Christian" is all about:  Jesus entering Jerusalem, breaking bread with His disciples, suffering at the hands of the Jews, dying on the Cross, then rising in three days to conquer sin and death.  This entire week shows Jesus' unconditional love of everyone.  Such beauty can never be surpassed or reproduced.  Hallelujah!!!

Last week, I was confronted with the one of the worst parts of my job in the child protection field.  As you know, I will be removing a newborn from his/her teen mother once he/she is delivered.  This has not occurred yet, but it will very soon.  When I reitereated this plan to the young teen mom, she began to plead with me to stop this from happening.  All I could do was tell her was that this decision was already made, and although I could let others know of her pleas; I could not be the one to change this decision.  I can empathise with how horrible it must feel to see your son or daughter taken away from you with the possibility of never knowing him or her.

Then, I also experienced the enthusiastic and excited anticipation of the possibility that a wonderful program like YoungLives, a Christian program for young teen moms, may find its beginnings in the UK in the city of Reading.  Once again, I tell you that I am in awe that something which I am trying to make into a reality has the possibility of actually happenning!!!  Sacrey, yet exciting!!!  God knows that Reading, and other parts of the UK, could sure use this program here.  I just pray that the Reading Borough Council and/or other persons who can make YoungLives a reality here realize the benefits a program like this can bring to the teenagers of Reading and Berkshire county.

In both of the situations mentioned above, I know that I am simply God's messanger through my words and actions.  My feelings and emotions hit total opposites: from the saddest and most heart-wrentching situation to the most hopeful and joyous possibility for helping teenage moms in the Reading area.  How can this be?  Well, I believe that this is all part of God's plan for me.  I have come through many struggles and trials throughout my life, and I feel that God is showing me why He brought me to this place at this time.  He is showing me that I came through those darker times in my life to shine brightly when tough times arise again.  God provides strength to us through our struggles and sufferings.  We are filled with the strength of the Holy Spirit when we turn to God and ask for His help.  This is the message I hope to relay to those whom I help and minister.  If God's grace and mercy are not shown through my actions or words, then I have strayed from the pathway which God has guided me to walk.  I use these "Reflection Sundays" as a compass to see whether or not I have strayed from the pathway which God directed me to follow when answering "YES" to His call.

Folks, I ask that during this upcoming Holy Week you reflect on whether you are following the pathway where God has directed YOU!!!  If you can answer, "yes, this is where God is guiding me," then pray to God that He continue to keep your eyes focused forward.  If you answer, "no, this is not right," then pray for God to reposition you to where He needs you to go.  If you answer "I really don't know," then pray to God to open you heart so you can hear Him give you directions on where to go next.  God is always talking to us,.  We just need to make sure we take time to stop and listen to His voice.  My guess is that the message you receive from Him will be the most beautiful words you have ever heard in your life -- because they will be from the voice of Our Loving Father -- GOD!!!

I LOVE HOLY WEEK!!!!  This is who I am!!!


Anonymous said...


That is such a hard decision. I am sure you are making the right decision. You yourself said the mother is a survivor and she will get through this as well. God's peace to all.

Congrats on the Young Lives. The chapter here had a spaghetti fund raiser on sunday and it was a success. Lots of people attended.

What an emotional week this is for all. First the king arrives, he is crucified then rises to reign forever. Wow. Amen.

Beginning Butterfly said...

Wonderful news about the spaghetti dinner. I will be talking more about this with the YoungLives contact this week, so I will keep you posted.

Yes, it will be a very emotional week; however, we know the He has Risen, therefore, I look forward to Sunday to celebrate Our Saving Lord.

Have a blessed week, Sandy.