Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reflection Sunday: Week 8

     On this two-month anniversay of my first attempt at blogging, I have to say that I have been liking all the comments about those travelling this journey with me.  Even though the commetns are NOT posted on my blog page (excedpt for a few faithful ones!!!), I have heard by other means -- friends, family, emails, phone calls -- that many of you have been following along with me.  I want to thank everyone for thier continued support and prayers for me, especially during the difficult times.


     This Sunday evening I am not feeling quite well due to some stuffy sinus and a sore throat.  Honestly, many people have been feeling the same way - maybe it could well be from the ash cloud filtering over the UK.  It really doen't matter to me how I got it, I still feel yucky.  However, I must tell you that I had no plans this weekend other than to go into work of Saturday morning; but the weekend turned out to be very fun and relaxing!!!  Tonight, the last person to come from the US -- she had to wait because she just got married in March -- cooked all of us dinner.  Or, should I say, she and her husband cooked us dinner.  We had stewed chicken, rice, corn, and home-made potato salad.  WHAT A FEAST!!!  Once again, we all got together, vented about our frustrations at work, and then laughed and laughed about it.  With all the difficulties have have incurred along the way, I must say that I have made very good friends whom I trust and care about.  Friends are extra special to me since I can choose my friends and they can choose me!!! 

     This reflection post is all about expecting the unexpected from God -- blessing you with something totally different -- even if that blessing is something you did not want.  This past week I have been trying to catch up on all my paperwork and tasks at work, but when the end of the day came, I would just have more work -- not less.  Walking home, I would think about all I did NOT get done that day instead of smiling at the things I DID get done.  Twice this past week, I was stopped by the triplets -  black & white kitties - on the walk to my house.  Of course I would stop to pet them.  They are funny because they all try to push the other one out from under my hands to get their backs or chins scratched.  Not expecting Moe, Larry & Curly to greet me on my way home, they were a welcomed, innocent, and blessed pleasure to the end of some very stressful days.  Then, I had two wonderful days travelling to & from Wales and visiting Windsor Castle.

     I never intended or expected any of these simple, yet wonderful blessings in my day when I woke up in the morning.  However, I was all smiles when I laid my head on my pillow at night.  I thanked God for opening my eyes to the gifts of each day.  As funny as this may sound, I now expect the unexpected to happen; and when it does, I know that God has this unexpected event into my life for a reason -- good or not-so-good.  I am just thankful that I now recognize that God is with me always and whatever He sends my way, it is from Him.  I give glory and praise to God for all that He has blessed in my life.



T said...

Sounds like you are getting the hang of things there. I am so happy for you. Also sounds like you & your group are finally starting to understand the system & hopefully working on ways to make it better over there...the reason you went, other than for employment. :) Anyway, I finally caught up on some of your blogs & pics - amazing. I will try to do better in the future, but you know me.

ComfortablyNumb said...

Sounds like Windsor Castle was fun. is Flat Stanley keeping track of where he has been?


Beginning Butterfly said...

T, you are absolutely right -- unfortunately, I do know you. And, I am having fun despite the work. C.N., Windsor Castle was awesome and spectacular. Looking forward to showing you and C-fly around.

How about them Pens? What are the Wings doing? They still around?

Stazi said...

Dear Patty,

I love the pictures!! They are beautiful! Love hearing your updates, and your are right we don't take time writing.. I will improve on that.. Going to beach for a few days.. Last minuite and a friend is taking me. I helped through surgery a few weeks back.. I will write there!! Know you are lifted in prayer and loved in the USA!!

God bless you friend!!
Stazi :)

Beginning Butterfly said...

Thank you, Stazi. Trust me, the prayers have saved me on many occasion over here. I have not forgotten all those who lift me up in prayer. I just need a little pat on the back right now. Have fun at the beach!!!

Have a margarita for me!!!