Thursday, March 11, 2010

A good night's sleep

Sorry folks but I got a little busy there, but I'm back.  Well, as you can read from the title, I finally got some GREAT rest over the past couple of days.  Even though the paperwork has been mounting at work, I am well.  Actually, they do much more paperwork (computer work) than I did back in the states.  However, I have met several of my clients, and they are just wonderful kids who have gone through some hellatious situations.  I am blessed to have them as clients!!!  No, not because they are clients, but because God chose them to put in my life so I may learn from them.  I hope to bring them stability as their social worker, compassion and kindness as a human being, and love which God gives them through me.  I just hope I can deliver.

     Today there was not much that happened, so this will be a short blog.  I did manage to go shopping for some slacks & jeans since I have no laundry to wash my clothes.  I am NOT going to a laundry mat here because they are crappy.  I bought some jeans & slacks on sale at the GAP to make it to Saturday, when I move into my humble abode.  I have a washer & dryer there, so laundry will be tops on the list of things to do.  Other than that, not much occurred.  I went to sleep early because I had to get up early to head up to Northern Wales.  Look forward to writing about it.  Take care and see you here soon.

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