Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Remaining Week

Well, it's the end of my second week of my new journey and it was a little rough at times; however, with the help of my friends, family and God, I am happy to say that things are much better.  On Tuesday, I was thinking that I must have been so foolish to think I could actually move to a new country on my own, without knowing a soul here, and begin work in helping the children in the UK.  I know I am not Wonder Woman or Mother Teresa (now there's a comparison), but I really did think that I could be of some assistance with my knowledge, skills, compassion and faith in God.  Figuratively, I was tripping over rocks, climbing hills that looked too steep to traverse, and sliding out of control on mudslick pathways throughout the rest of the week.  I questioned myself constantly, saying "What did I get myself into?;  Why did I ever begin this trek/journey?;  I should have stayed back in my comfort zone." 

On Tuesday, I went to look at a place to stay, but it was not in a very good location which is convenient to busses and was surrounded mostly by college students.  Too noisey -- yeah, I'm 43 years and like to have my quite time.  On the way home, I got lost and walked for about two hours trying to get back to my area.  My shins ached so much on Wednesday that it was hard to concentrate on my training.  Did I mention that it was raining and my umbrella broke?  Yep, sure did!!!  Wednesday was a day in which I was trying to figure out where in the heck my bank checks and debit card was to.  I had no cash on me and I could not get my money out of the bank.  Thank God, the person training us lived close to me, so she gave me a ride home -- yeah Ruth!!!  I was going to enter a blog that night, but I was so tired, I just watched the news on my computer and listened to music until I fell asleep -- very late!!!

Thursday was . . . okay compared to the beginning of the week, but still not without it's mishaps and misfurtunes.  Once again, I was caught out in the rain (this time WITH an umbrella) trying to find the new location of our training site.   I finally found it after my pant legs, shoes, and socks got SOAKED!!!  Nothing like wet shoes and socks for the rest of the day.  STINKY!!!  I ran to the bank at lunch to find out what happened to my checks and debit card.  The office person was taking so long, I quickly explained to her that I had to get back to work so she would have to call me about anything.  A very kind and patient woman, who had an Asian and British accent -- not again, I cannot understand anything these Brits say.  I just rolled my eyes, gave her the international sign to "call me," then bolted back through the rain to training.  As I sat there shivering trying to listen to Ruth talk with an Irish and British dialect, I truely felt like I was living on another plant.  But alas, not another planet, just a different country.  After we were finsihed with training, Ruth and I went for coffee to chit-chat, then she drove me home again.  This is the one shining bright star about this whole week -- Ruth and I are become friends.  Yeah, I have a new friend in the UK.  God help her!

Then on Friday, I started my new job.  Check out the next post for what happened next . . . .

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