Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Last Week (May 10th - 16th)

     It was crazy over here last week, and when I got home from work I was way too tired to type anything on my blog page.  Therefore, I will sum up last week for you as to why it was so crazy.  I will give you three words:  WORK, MONEY & SHIPMENT.

WORK:  Just when I was getting familiar with the system / process of working in my team, my assistant team supervisor leaves.  She was a "contracted" social worker and her contract was up last week.  Although I was aware of this, it did not help matters much that I was all out of sync on who to turn to for help.  Plus, I made three trip out of the Reading area to visit some of my clients, which took away from the paperwork I was going to do.  One of the kids decided to flip a chair and start throwing things at me so I made a quick exit.  It actually was not too bad, but I did not want my presence to escalate his frustration.  As far as the "dreaded paperwork," that has been SLOWLY getting better; however, I still have a very long way to go with this.

MONEY:  Okay, not to get too detailed, but my stupid bank decided to pay my rent to my landlords TWICE in one month.  This, of course, left me largely short of money, and I have been scarmbling to find someone to help while I work with the bank and/or until payday comes on May 25th.  I think I have strecthed the British pound as far as it can possibly be stretched.  After many, many prayers, God sent an angel to help with this situation, although the money situation is far from over.  I am still trying to work with the bank on several situations.  I do not want to go into any more details, but money is still the source of much of my stress.

SHIPMENT:  Ahhh. . . the dreaded shipment of my belongings.  I told one of my sisters that I think my boxes of things are in the same place as all those socks lost during the wash.  They just fall off the face of the earth.  Well, I must say that I was worried that my boxes of personal items were long gone.  However, at the end of last week, my sister (yeah Cathy!!!) uncovered that my shipment was on another ship across the Atlantic and are sitting at a dock in Southampton.  After faxing forms to the storage facility this weekend, they believe that they do have my boxes.  Once again, I am not holding my breath on this, but it is a good sign.

To top things off last week, it was cold and rainy all week.  A pretty miserable week as far as the weather goes.  This week, it has been sunny and will continue to be sunny and get warmer.  Once again, a sign of good things.  Well, that's the jist of last week's adventure.  Take care everyone and talk soon.


Anonymous said...

I thought the British banks were so veddy, veddy proper & knew ll about finance. What are they nuts over there?

Beginning Butterfly said...

Ummmmm . . .that would be a YES, they are all crazy over here. That's why they need the sane ones from the US & Canada. It's a nuthouse!!!!